FFI Creates Complex Kits in Support of Troops

FFI works closely with a contract assembler for the U.S. Army. This contractor provided multiple components that needed to be assembled with guaranteed accuracy for use in the field. Only some of these components were required, depending on the equipment used. FFI was asked to assemble these kits and package items to avoid breakage or deterioration during shipment and storage. Correct packaging was critical since material needed to last for long periods in harsh climates. FFI uses the kitting module within its fulfillment system to manage the task. The company’s systems specialists wrote a program to ensure that kit contents were accurate. Each of the kit components has a bar code. The system does not close out the kit until each item is individually scanned. The program is now in its second year of delivering 100% order accuracy. In the case of problems, FFI can track items back to the exact kit in which they were shipped.

Educational Company Finds Efficient Fulfillment Solution at Fulco Fulfillment

A relatively new start-up turned to Fulco Fulfillment Inc (FFI) to help expand and take their nonprofit educational company to the next level. After meeting with the client, we identified their product, a series of math kits that required assembling and distribution to elementary schools throughout the school year.

Many Moving Parts that Required a Powerful Technology System

One of the biggest challenges the client presented was the detailed intricacies of the kits, and the kits within the kits. The materials would need to be received in bulk from various vendors. These innovative math kits use many everyday items such as straws, plastic spoons, playing cards, dice, etc. to involve students in math activities. The client needed the flexibility of real-time online inventory and usage visibility. FFI’s leading order management system (OMS) allows our customer to view kit activity, inner kit activity, and even inquire about the information for the components in the inner kits.

Their need is unique in that they require 8 different ‘bag kits’ with enough pieces for the 16 students, designed for a single lesson and a specific age group.

The technology department had to create separate compositions for each bag and for each kit, and provide documentation that would ensure the correct kit and the correct version were being picked. Our technology department used the kit assembly manifest feature of the OMS to prepare each kit composition, and before long, we were ready to go.

Efficient Kitting Process Required for Back-to-school Preparation

We began receiving product in May and their busy season started in August, so we had about three months to get everything done. Our tech team, client server representative, and warehouse personnel worked closely every day to monitor the set-up progress. It was imperative that everyone knew what bags and kits needed to be made. Each bag gets a sticker identifying the week the bag is intended for and the accompanying pieces. All of these steps are spelled out on the kitting assembly manifest for each season and each bag, which avoids mistakes. We shipped out almost 800 kits in August in preparation for the beginning of the school year. This was roughly three months after we first met with the client.

COVID-19 Created New Kit Fulfillment Challenges

The process we developed to meet our customer’s needs was a success, and this continued until the COVID-19 pandemic struck and the process required modifications. With schools being closed or switching to remote learning, the number of traditional kits being shipped slowed down. However, our customer creatively developed many new kits and products that teachers could use remotely. Orders for these new products were “pick-and-pack,” where each order was different and customized for the recipient. This was extremely successful for our client. Again, FFI was up for the challenge; our tech team quickly revised the process, and more than a thousand orders using this new pick-and-pack method were shipped in the following few months.

FFI’s rapid response and stellar daily customer service communications have built a strong relationship and a high level of confidence with the client. The customer has commented positively on our knowledge of their products and expressed the comfort of knowing that we respond to their phone calls promptly.

FFI is Up for Your Fulfillment Challenges

If you have a product that requires intricate kitting or custom pick-and-pack configurations, we are up to the task. Call Fulco Fulfillment at 973-361-1700 to schedule a free consultation.

Fulfillment and Inventory Control

In order to prevent a kit backorder situation, a major manufacturer and Fulco Fulfillment Inc. (FFI) worked together to set-up an automatic reorder system.

The FFI order management system allowed us to set minimums for each kit, kitting supplies and component of each kit. When inventory levels reach the minimum level an automatic reorder notification is generated. The notification goes to the appropriate printer or supplier of each component creating an automatic reorder. Kits remain stocked at all times and never fall to zero.

FFI created a web shopping cart for wholesalers in the field to order kits. To keep the customer’s wholesalers informed, FFI set the system to automatically generate email notifications for order confirmations and order shipments. Order shipment emails also include a tracking number.